Does BKHosting offer a money back guarantee?

Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we are sure you will be pleased by all BKHosting services. However, if you wish to cancel with us, you are eligible for a 30-days money back guarantee.

Please cancel prior to the 30th day to avoid a 2nd invoice.

If you have any questions, or need help contact us anytime.


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מאמרים קשורים

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting allows business, organizations, or individuals to get their website or application...

What is shared Web Hosting?

Shared hosting is the most economical option when it comes to web hosting. This option allows...

What is bandwidth and how much do I need?

In web hosting bandwidth refers to the amount of data that your website can deliver to your users...

What is Storage SSD and how much do I need?

SSD (Solid-State Drive) is new storage technology that uses flash memory for enhanced performance...

What services does BKHosting offer?

Business Solutions   We offer a wide variety of IT services such as web hosting, domains, SSL...